Welcome to the School of Government Annual Report
Please enter your ONYEN and password.

If you lose or forget your ONYEN password, you can get a new one by taking your UNC One Card (or another picture ID) to IT Response Center in the basement of the undergraduate library. It is not possible to recover your old password. For security reasons, you can get a new password only with a picture ID. Call 962-HELP (962-4357) for more information.

If you have forgotten your ONYEN you may go here: UNC ONYEN page and choose the "Forgotten Onyen?" link on that page.

Being a web based application, the Annual Report System may be rendered differently on different web browsers. We try to support as many browsers as possible, but due to the ever changing standards and features of the variety of web browsers, we recommend using the latest versions of your browser of choice. We have specifically tested the application on the following browsers: Microsoft Internet Explorer 6, Mozilla 1.5, Netscape 7 (the application prefers browsers in that order).

Links to various browsers: Microsoft Internet Explorer  Netscape Navigator  Mozilla

If you would like to upgrade the web browser on your office machine, you may contact the Helpdesk at 962.5487 or email Helpdesk@iogmail.iog.unc.edu